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Medicare supplement are actually supplementary insurance plans to the original Medicare therefore these policies cannot be sold independently. It is a requirement to be enrolled first to the original Medicare part A and B to have Medicare supplement. Other than that it should also be kept in mind that once enrolled to the Medicare supplement plan, one must continue being a beneficiary of the Medicare original plans in order to get the benefits of the original Medicare plans.
If you switch over to any other plan other than the original Medicare, for example, the Medicare advantage plan, you can no longer use the benefits of the original Medicare. You can only use the benefits of your Medicare supplement plans only if you switch back to original Medicare plans.
Medicare supplement plans were originally standardized in 1992 and since then there had been 12 standard Medicare supplement health insurance available to the Medicare beneficiaries sold and administered by the private health insurance companies. But since June 2010, a few new changes have been brought in the standard Medicare supplement plans. According to the recent changes four of the existing plans have been dropped and in their place two new plans M and N are introduced. These plans use the means of deductible and cost sharing offers a good deal of help to the Medicare beneficiaries for that extra coverage and to get better benefits from the Medicare original plans.
Therefore, the fact is that getting enrolled to the Medicare supplement plans offers the best help to cover up the gap between the original Medicare policy coverage and the actual medical bill payable.
It is very important to decide for your choice of Medicare supplement. It is best to ask a professional agent who can provide you the best guidance for choosing the most suitable Medicare supplement for you.
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Medicare Supplement
To have the best Medicare health insurance plans, it is best to get Medicare supplement with your original Medicare plans.
The point is that the Medicare health insurance plans are actually health insurance Medicare supplement needed to cover the gaps of the original Medicare health insurance plans. Medicare supplement provides a fine deal of benefits along with providing the best coverage of the gaps left behind by the original Medicare health insurance plans. However, you should also know that each and every Medicare supplement have their own set of benefits.